Saturday, August 4, 2012

Not good

Well everyone since the last time I did an actual post something really bad happened. I found out Jeremy wasn't the guy I thought he was. So pretty much broke up and if you haven't heard the song The Choice that I posted the other day I recommend you to watch it.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

seester93: few days.

seester93: few days.: Its been a few days since I posted anything but nothing has really changed still going out with Jeremy. Well thursday night friday morning I...

few days.

Its been a few days since I posted anything but nothing has really changed still going out with Jeremy. Well thursday night friday morning I was up tell 4 am and had to get up at 8:45 so I was tired. Oh well and last night I was up tell 3:30 am and then just slept tell about 11. That's about all that I have for this blog.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

seester93: swimming/in love/bored

seester93: swimming/in love/bored: Had another amazing yet short conversation last night with Jeremy. I don't know if I am rushing into anything or not but I do know I am in l...

Monday, July 23, 2012

seester93: swimming/in love/bored

seester93: swimming/in love/bored: Had another amazing yet short conversation last night with Jeremy. I don't know if I am rushing into anything or not but I do know I am in l...

swimming/in love/bored

Had another amazing yet short conversation last night with Jeremy. I don't know if I am rushing into anything or not but I do know I am in love.

Also I just got back from going to the pool with my nephew sister and brother in law. It was fun haven't done that for a while though Oh well. 

Well this is just another random blog. I was bored with nothing else to do so I figured I would tell everyone what's up.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

seester93: Winnie the Pooh Quote

seester93: Winnie the Pooh Quote: OK so I saw this quote on pinterest when I was going threw some pins that my friends have posted. I was like this is so true for me anywa...

Winnie the Pooh Quote

OK so I saw this quote on pinterest when I was going threw some pins that my friends have posted. I was like this is so true for me anyway.

Its so true for me because in my life I have a special someone named Jeremy, he lives so far away so whenever I have to say goodbye its just so hard because I love him so much. Far as in like 4 hours but its still hard to say goodbye. 

We haven't been dating long or known each other long either but it seems like I've known him for a lifetime, but this quote reminded me of Jeremy and also my childhood because I will admit I did like Winnie the Pooh Growing up. So thats it for now. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

seester93: Jay/Rockies

seester93: Jay/Rockies: So I am wanting to say congrats to Jay from Rascal Flatts on his new addition to his family baby boy Dylan. I did do a post of the link of w...


So I am wanting to say congrats to Jay from Rascal Flatts on his new addition to his family baby boy Dylan. I did do a post of the link of where I read about it earlier today.

I also posted a link to the Padres defeating the Rockies 9-5 kinda sad about that because I was hoping for the Rockies to win oh well.

Well that is it for this blog

seester93: Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

seester93: Padres power past Rockies 9-5  | Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

seester93: Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Countr...

seester93: Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Countr...: Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Country Weekly

Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Country Weekly

Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Country Weekly

seester93: Pissed off

seester93: Pissed off: OK I seriously am pissed because this guy online I met was like OH there where 40 something people that died everyday in 2005 so 12 people t...

Pissed off

OK I seriously am pissed because this guy online I met was like OH there where 40 something people that died everyday in 2005 so 12 people that died and however many injured isn't that big of deal so everyone get over it. I was like hello yes it is a big deal you know it could have happened anywhere it could have been in a theater in your hometown or the one you always went to and a bunch of your friends and family could have been injured or died. When its something like that it is a big freaking deal. Sorry everyone I was just really upset about what he said and I really needed to vent. Some people piss me of to no end.

seester93: My day/Colorado Shouting/

seester93: My day/Colorado Shouting/: OK well today I got up to go do some running around with my aunt and I called to let her know about what time I will be ready and she told m...

Friday, July 20, 2012

My day/Colorado Shouting/

OK well today I got up to go do some running around with my aunt and I called to let her know about what time I will be ready and she told me about the Shooting in Colorado last night. So I got ready and stuff and my Aunt came and got me. Well we went to Wal-mart first and there where people talking about the shooting. 

So when I got home I did my workout and stuff. Then I got online and my bf was on so I stated talking to him and I brought up the whole Colorado thing and how my uncle lives there and I was going to go visit and stuff. I was saying how I'm happy I didn't this weekend because we where going to go to the midnight showing of Batman. He was like Ya good thing we wouldn't want you to get any blood in your hair I was like really that would have be the last of my worries, UGH I sometimes wonder. OH well I just figured I would do a blog over the whole thing. 

But I am sorry for those who was involved in the shooting and I pray for them and there family. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

seester93: Tough Day

seester93: Tough Day: Well I don't know where to start I guess. Well some guy started disrespecting the Army and stuff so I got pissed because no one disrespects ...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tough Day

Well I don't know where to start I guess. Well some guy started disrespecting the Army and stuff so I got pissed because no one disrespects the Army especially when I am around. Second one of my friends is going threw a lot and I don't know what to do about it. Another one is in the hospital. IDK there other things but to tired to think right now.

seester93: Bulling

seester93: Bulling: So I posted a video about from youtube a while back about bulling and the reason why is because I am big on trying to prevent bulling. I don...


So I posted a video about from youtube a while back about bulling and the reason why is because I am big on trying to prevent bulling. I don't think I would be so big on preventing bulling if I wasn't bullied growing up. I wasn't ever afraid to be myself so people hated me for that. Some people would be like oh well get over it, but you know in Junior High and the first semester of my freshman year I went to a K-12 school, I would go home crying almost every night because of it. That was when it was really bad, but the second semester of my Freshman year I moved about 20 miles away to live with my dad because my mom passed away the bugging of my Freshman Year, I felt more accepted there then I did at my old school. OK I will admit my Freshman year wasn't as bad but I was still hated on and on top of my mom passing away and everything I went threw when she died I was not emotionally stable. I was one of those people that bottle things up and then when I finally had it I would go into my room and cry so no one would see me, but now I been getting help and I can cry, I understand that crying isn't a sign of weakness its a sign of being strong long enough. So anyone who reads this if you been bullied your not alone and if you need someone to talk let me know leave a comment or something and I will try helping the best I can. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Haven't posted anything in a while. Everything seems good, I been enjoying my summer the best I can. I went to a Toby Keith concert Friday. It was good other then it down poured so we had to wait. Tell that stopped. We had my sisters wedding about 3 weeks ago. I found out my best friend is coming home August 15 and staying. That's about it.

Friday, May 25, 2012

seester93: Death Friend

seester93: Death Friend: This guy is one of my friends. I talked about him in a couple blogs one of them of an art projects. The reason why I am doing another abou...

Death Friend

This guy is one of my friends. I talked about him in a couple blogs one of them of an art projects. The reason why I am doing another about him is that he died a year and half ago and finally after this long I finally get to visit his Grave.I went to his funeral but I never went to his grave when he was buried. I think now I can finally see his grave an know he's gone. At the time he died we where going to two different schools about 20 minutes away for personal reasons.I remember it like yesterday it was a Monday night I already had a long day. I came home and I got on Facebook. At this time I didn't know, everyone was like  oh Chase I am going to miss you so much so on and so forth. Then I messaged one of my friends that went to school with him and ask what was going on with Chase and she was like Abby you didn't hear. I was like hear what. She's like he's gone Abby he's died. I was like no no no. he is not gone he is not died, I was in such denial. He was exactly 3 years younger then me we both have the same birthday. You all may wonder how did he die well he was driving to school and around where I live you can have a school permit when your 14 and he was driving to school and back home. This was in November he didn't have a seatbelt on he rolled his truck three times. Well the night I found out I had a hard time sleeping but when I finally fell asleep I had a dream about him he came to me and told me Abby if you ever get the chance tell my parents I love them and I am sorry then he was gone and I woke up sorry for what though. Then I went to school the next day and was just in one of those tired and sad moods and everyone knew I knew him, and one of my best guy friends gave me a hug and that made me a little happier. Everyone else didn't really bring it up. I never got to tell his family that he was sorry. Then that Friday it was the Friday after Thanksgiving was his funeral. I went to the service and it was in the gym of the school he went to and that gym still haunts me. I saw the principle and the councilor at the time and the councilor gave me a hug and was like thank you Abby for coming. I was like of course I would be here. The principle just kinda smiled at me. I went in and right when you walked in there was his body in his casket and it was not easy  to see him laying in there. I stopped dead in my tracks and  kinda walk over to his casket and he had the same shirt on as he had on in the picture and his favorite sunglasses on the top of his head. I just remember crying when I saw his body and I whispered why did you have to leave so early. Then I just walked away and found a seat and I just sat there holding my stomach because I was hurting so much.I don't mean to make this blog to make anyone to feel sorry for me or whatever I just want to share this so you all know a little bit of the hurt I been threw in my lifetime and trust me I been threw a lot other hurt then this.

seester93: Excitement

seester93: Excitement: For the last few days I have been so happy, because a my brother told me he was coming home. My friend but he is my brother so if I ever say...

Thursday, May 24, 2012


For the last few days I have been so happy, because a my brother told me he was coming home. My friend but he is my brother so if I ever say my brother I will probably be talking about that one but if I am talking about my real brother I will let you guys know, but he is going to be home August 15 and I am going to give him a big hug. I actually think I talk about him in another blog before but I don't remember for sure I mean the one before yesterday.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why I was depressed.

So the last few days I was depressed and really upset, I was upset because I felt like I was losing the one friend that has been there for me, and I didn't know why. Part of it is because I only talk to him on Facebook and the Phone because he lives an hour and a half away and its hard to see him all the time, but I got it sorted out and he assured me that no matter what happens that he will be there for me, and he is coming home in August. I am just happy we worked everything out and I get to see him. He is not just my best friend he is my brother.

seester93: Why I was depressed.

seester93: Why I was depressed.: So the last few days I was depressed and really upset, I was upset because I felt like I was losing the one friend that has been there for m...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Second Dad

OK so there is this guy in my life he is one of the most amazing guys you will ever meet. He is one of those guys you can talk hours with. I love my real dad I do trust me I do. It's just its hard to talk to my real dad about stuff that I need a guy there to answer.

So this second dad comes in my life late in my teen years I was 17 so two years ago and I can talk to him about anything, and he is like my dad in a way because if a guy ever hurt me physically he will be one of the first people to beat his ass. My real dad I don't cry in front of because I am not comfortable crying in front of him. My second dad I can if I really need to because I am comfortable because he knows the pain I been threw in my life.

I guess the big reason I am blogging about this is because I wish there where more guys out there like him, and not a bunch of assholes. I know the day I have to say goodbye to my second dad it will be as hard saying goodbye to him as my real dad if not worse.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So I haven't posted anything in a couple weeks. Well I am done with High School. I am happy, and sad, but I know that no matter what is going on I can count on my class to be there if I need them.

They are my best friends, they are my family. They will always be family, some of them may be annoying sometimes and I want to murder them, but no family is complete without some of those people that you want to murder sometimes. So pretty much that is all as of right not so talk to Yawl later.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Track ending = crying

So today I thought I had a week left of track, but guess what it's done for me anyway. I went to Track practice like normal and we had a girls track meeting and the head girls couch was like its just Varsity from now on and no Junior Varsity and I am Junior Varsity. I just started crying and I stood up and turned away so no one would see me crying and one of the Assistant couches was like Abby sit and she was like what's wrong I was like I don't want to be done and the Assistant couch was like thats a good thing that means we did something right.

Then the Head Couch was like Abby do you want to stay and help with the throwers and I shock my head yes because at this point I could barley talk. She was like you can stay then if you want. I thought to myself thank God.

Then a little later after warm ups and stuff the Shotput throwing couch finally showed up, because he was running late. the Disc's couch went up to him and told him that JV was done because I don't think any of the Assistant couches knew that it was just Varsity for the rest of the season. He looked at me and I just got done crying so anything could make me start crying and I did start crying again and the Disc's couch told the Shotput couch that I could stay and Mike the Shot put couch was trying to make me laugh so I would stop crying and I laughed a little bit then gave him a hug until I finally stopped crying.

The reason why I cried because this is my last year for Track and I never felt this way about any other sport I tried. I loved Track.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

close senior class

So I am going to miss my class after Graduation. Some of you that has 50 or more kids in your class or did may not be as close but when you only have 23 kids in your class you guys are close. I am close to everyone in my class. I know if I ever needed anything or needed someone to talk to my class will be there for me. My class and I have gotten threw our share of Drama, but like I said we go threw it as a class, just like we will get threw graduation as a class. I am kinda rambling on, but its true we are very close more close the a lot of classes at bigger schools. Anyway this is just kinda to tell Yawl how I feel about my class.

Friday, April 27, 2012


3 school day's 5 more days in all if you include the weekend. then seniors are done with high school I am officially done I am to exhausted to do anything I need to finish a couple things for government which wont take me very long and then my portfolio for Speech and a couple test. Then I am done. Monday will be the cleaning out everything I don't need out of my locker day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bad girl

OK I been really bad at this blogging thing. I will try to do more. I just been busy the last week but for now I am going to bed so goodnight.

Friday, March 16, 2012

track/ghost experience

I have had somewhat of a busy week and or hurt physically this week because of Track. I love Track I just hate the physical pain that it causes me. 

So yesterday I was listening to music with my headphones and I swear I heard someone say my name and my dad and I where the only ones home at the time so I went and ask if he said my name. He was like no so I went back to my room listening to music again and I heard my name again I went and ask again and he was like no so I don't know what was going on all I know is that it was kinda weird.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I am sorry I haven't done a blog for a while I just been an emotional wreak all week and I don't want to get into it right now. I will try to do one more often but don't hate me if I don't do one everyday.

Friday, March 2, 2012


So there this guy I meet on twitter. He is a little bit younger then me, he is really sweet, nice, and a pain in the ass sometime. I find myself falling in love with him, but I cant tell him one I know he only likes me as a friend two because I cant ruin our friendship. I just need to do a blog about how I was feeling.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Art/ghost experiences

OK here is one of my artworks I have recently  done. This is of a friend that passed away a while back. I did this so I have something to remind me of him. No I don't need this picture for me to remember the good times of him and I, but it is nice to have it around though. This is also the friend I told you guys about. The one where I saw his picture on my computer and I started thinking of him and I felt him touch my back and I heard him say Abby I am hear, I will always be here. I have lost a lot of people my mom my grandma a guy that was like my grandpa. and the only thing that happened that made me think is when I had a dream of my mom after she passed away and I woke up I saw her head flouting and the end of my bed for like 2 or 3 seconds long enough for me to realize it was her and then she was gone. So there is the reason why I did this picture and a couple experiences I had when it comes to spirits and ghost. I don't know if this is the right word but I call both experiences as personal experiences.

Monday, February 27, 2012


So another long weekend. Friday I didn't do a whole lot, but on Saturday I went to hang out with my second family for an hour and then went and at lunch with my sister brother and nephew. After that I went prom dress shopping the two places we actually went only had three dresses my size, but I found one I like though. I just wish there where more cloths that I actually like that where my size, but I am just happy I found one I like. Then Yesterday I went to Irish Feast to help with one of the games. So it was a long and eventful weekend but I had fun though. So there was my weekend.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


OK those of you that don't know me I am not the smallest people in the world I will admit that, but stores like at the mall and stuff could at least carry stuff that is my size. I hate not being able to get stuff I like because they don't have my size. I don't know I may just be a little bit more freaked out then I should be but it just makes me feel bad because of my size and shape. I am just sick and tired of it. Well thats all I am just really upset about it is all.

Friday, February 24, 2012

long time

I know its been a long time since my last blog. Nothing has happened really. Tomorrow I get to go Prom dress shopping,  ya me. I am just not a big shopper. I picked out music to sing for competition here in like three weeks, Sixteen going on Seventeen is the song I am doing. Also I just got my sports physical done today so I can do Track. I don't know what to talk about I am just rambling on right now. Oh guess what I am going to see Toby Keith this summer I am so excited.

Monday, February 13, 2012

My weekend.

I had emotional weekend. First I had to get up at 6 o'clock on Saturday for a speech meet. That didn't go so good.

Then, I know this for a week, but it didn't really hit me tell this weekend that my friend was in Rehab. I knew he was I just didn't worry about it. This has been the second time he's been in rehab, and a few other things that I am not going to speak of. Then I talk to him this weekend a little bit on Saturday, and a little bit last night. Yesterday I was like I want you to be completely honest with me, and he was like OK what's going on. I was like what is your plans after Rehab. He was like I am not going to drink or anything I am going to be getting my life back on track. It was good, because I dont need to lose someone else I care about to die because of drugs/alcohol. He knew what I meant, and he was like Abby don't worry you wont lose me for that reason. I was like OK.

The only thing is that I am wanting to trust him but I don't know if I can. I promised myself that no matter what else happens I will do everything I can do possible to help him, but I can only do so much. Then he has to do it all on his own.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Waffles and Spaghetti

OK so the last month we been talking about dating and marriage in religion. For those of you that don't know I do go to a private school. We where talking today about how guys have waffles  brains and girls have spaghetti. Guys having waffles because they can only concentrate on one thing at a time and for girls have spaghetti because we can do more then one thing at once.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So I was going to do a blog about what I thought about the Super Bowl game on Sunday but forgot so I will do it now. To start out I was going for the Patriots. I am happy of how hard they played even though they didn't win. I think my favorite part of the game was when my boy Danny Woodhead made that TD right before Half. I was so happy, Danny is one of my favorite Patriots players. One he shows that no matter what your size you can do anything if you put your mind to it. The second reason is because he is from my hometown.

Monday, February 6, 2012


I really don't know what to talk about other then it snowed Friday which sucks because I hate snow. I had today off from school. Talking about school my sister is doing my graduation invitation so she is getting one of them done to show me and see if I like how she did it hopefully it will be good.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


OK so yesterday I went to practice shot put for track. First time for since last school year. So I have a few achs and pains. Its not just the throwing. I had to stretch also my couch made me do the 12 lbs shot-put when the girls usually throw 8 lbs shot-put so that way when I throw the 8 lbs it will go farther.

Then on top of that I am just getting done with the every month aches and pains if you know what I mean. Plus I ran for about 15 minutes today so I just hurt really bad my back mainly.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I am trying to decide which guy would end  up being the best one for me. I have been thinking of this all weekend and really I just don't know. I really don't want to end up hurting them or them hurting me.

One of them is a very great guy and I know him very well. He is one of my best friends in the whole world, and I really don't want to ruin that. The other one is another great guy. I don't know him as well but I can tell he seems like a good guy. Also I am not as good of friends with him as I do the other one.

I am just lost and confused. Everyone that I've talk to told me to follow my heart, its not that easy when you have two great guys to choice from. There is a part of me that is telling me to go for the best friend that I've know for forever. Then again the other part is scared to ruin the friendship we have if he doesn't feel the same, and I really don't want to do that.

The other guy he's sweet and all, but I don't know him as well so I don't know. I just want someone to tell me what I should do because right now I really don't know anymore. So please if you have any advice then let me know because I will take any advice and think about it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

5 things I can't stand

1. I cant stand when people think its funny to make fun of others. Those people can go fall off a bridge.

2. I cant stand how some people have to mess with your head and make you think one thing when really its not true at all

3. I cant stand fighting at all. I try not to start fights. I would rather be able to settle things without yelling and screaming.

4. I cant stand how some people don't understand where I'm coming from when I try to tell them something.

5. I cant stand how some people can be rude.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Date went down drain not literally.

Well its Friday night about to go to bed. I am suppose to get up to go to a Speech Meet tomorrow. I have to be at the school by 6:30. Also I was suppose to have a date to the movies tomorrow when I get back but that got canceled.

Well it was suppose to be like a triple date type thing. Kinda like double date but 3 couples besides 2. It was with this guy my friend is trying to hook me up with. Yes I know this guy but I don't know him very well. Well anyway I should really go to bed. so goodnight everyone.

Monday, January 23, 2012

30 things about me

here is a list of 30 things about me

1. I go to Private school
2. I am a Senior
3. I live with my dad
4. I lost my mom when I was 15
5. I have an older sister
6 I have a twin brother
7. My favorite animal is dogs,
8. I am going to be a nurse
9. I love Ghost Adventures.
10. I love Wrestling
11. My favorite Wrestler is John Cena and Randy Ortan.
12. I love being a thrower in track
13. I love teaching kids.
14. I love country music
15 I love to sing
16. I have a nephew
17. I love art
18. I have the best GAC family
19. I love Zak Baggens
20. I lived in the same town my whole life
21. I went to public school tell the second semester of 9th grade
22. I live in Nebraska
23. planing on moving to Iowa
24. I live a block away from school
25. I have the best guy friend ever that I love to death.
26. I love to write poetry.
27. I love to dance.
28. I have always wanted to kick box
29. I am happy I am about done with school.
30, I am a very caring person

So if you want to know anything else of have a question about something I listed let me know.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well my weekend pretty much sucked. First of my heart and my brain has been fighting with each other over a guy. I say yes I love him, but I just don't think I can love him the way he deserves to be loved, not right now anyway.

Then last night I found out that a friend of mine who was 5 months pregnant got really sick. So the doctors had to do a C-section to get the baby. So pretty much the baby is 4 months to early. They have all these different tubes and a ventilator. The baby was only 1 lbs and 1 oz.

Anyway thats how my weekend went. You can say it pretty much sucked. Anyway back to school tomorrow so I am going to bed. Goodnight everyone I will post another blog as soon as I can. So goodbye for now.

Friday, January 20, 2012


I haven't post in a while, my life has gone to hell, I am not going there. I just want people to understand where I am coming from. I just hate the fact that I am surrounded by so many people every day at school and there isn't one person I can actually talk to. I just am about had it with this shit. If I have to go one more day with this shit I will break down crying.

Sorry all I just need to vent. Other then the crap at school my life has been pretty good. Well I guess this week wasn't as bad as the week before. I am just hoping next week is going to be even better.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


OK haven't done a blog since Tuesday night. Well Wednesday  and Tuesday had a whole shit full of drama. Friday yesterday and today wasn't bad. The thing about yesterday is that the friend that I told you guys about the one in the car accident that died. I went by the Graveyard yesterday. That was the first time since he passed about 14 months ago that I went by that graveyard and or went there. So kind of emotional. Another thing is that when it comes to my love life right now its really confusing. I just hate it. Anyway thats it for now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


OMG drama has taken over my school life. Gosh everyone we are Senior's can't we just all grow up please. If I could tell you all what was going on at school it's crazy. All I got to say is that my class needs to grow the heck up. I just want to spend the last 5 months of high school Drama Free, but no. If it doesn't stop soon I will pull my hair out. Anyway the best thing about the last two days is that I got a hug by two of my favorite people, and realized how much my GAC family loves me, and how much I love them.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Last Night

Well last night I was talking to a couple of friends on Skype, and I was going threw pictures I had. So I came across a picture of a friend I lost about 14 months ago. He was 14 at the time.

He lived out in the country. So he was able to drive to school. He was driving to school, and didn't have his seatbelt on. He went from a dirt road and turned on to a smooth road and there was ice on the road, and he rolled his car three times. 

He went to the school I use to go to before I went to a Private school. So it the town is about 20 miles away from where I live now. Anyway, I didn't find out tell that night when another one of my friends told me on Facebook. I couldn't believe it, this kids was born on the same day I was. Just 3 years younger, He always had something sarcastic to say.

So last night, I was thinking about him. I knew he was in a better place now, I know that. Have you guys ever lost someone and you think about them and all of a sudden you hear there voice, or feel there touch. I did last night. I felt him put his hand on my back, and whisper in my ear. Abby I'm here, I will always be here. That just surprised me. I never had something like that happen, then again it was also comforting knowing he will be here for me.

Well there's my story about what happened to me last night. He was a great kids,  he will always be missed by me and his family for sure. Thanks for reading. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


People ask me all the time if I am excited about leaving High School. Tell you the truth I'm not. I am scared to death to leave. I don't want to go to the next Chapter in my life. I really don't, but really I have to because its my time to move on from this Chapter in my life and go to College.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Art Class

Well today something funny/embarrassing happened. In Art its just 5 of us Seniors, 2 girls 3 guys. So one of the guys had a sweatshirt on and then a t-shirt on underneath, and he went to take his sweatshirt off so he wouldn't get anything on it, I looked up right when it  happened, and his t-shirt came up a little bit. It came up right when I went to look up, and he was right there and I started laughing like OMG did that just happen and he was like what. Where friends so it was all cool. Cant get much embarrassing then me seeing him in footy pajamas, don't ask.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Brother, Education, Job, Comment

Well everyone guess what, I am a twin. A twin brother that is. He can be a pain in the butt, but the times I can use someone to listen to me, I know he will. I am glad I have him. He is like me when it comes to having ADHD.  For those who don't have ADHD most of the time its not fun trust me. Also when it comes to school, I have to work harder then the other people in my class. Part of it is because ADHD. I cant concert as well, also because I just work at a slower pace. I do my the best I can though.

I will have to work my way through it, but this summer I am going to take a six to eight week class to get my CNA, and then starting in the Fall, I am going to get my Associates Degree to be an RN, so only 2 years. That the plan for now. Hopeful I will be able to progress further in my education, but for know I would be happy with an Associates Degree. After my two years I am planing on getting a job at the hospital where I live. I am so lucky to live in a town that has a hospital that takes people that just graduated out of Collage, because a lot of hospitals wants people with a couple of years under there belt. 

Anyway, I just wanted to say good night. I will post again as soon as I can. I hope that you have learned more about me, if anyone has questions fell free to ask in a comment and I will try to answer the best I can. 

Long day

OK. well its only 4:47 my times and its already a long firkin day. My morning was half way decent, then afternoon came, and I went home for Lunch and I had and hour and a half so OK I stayed home for that long, then I go back because I had accounting at 1:45 this afternoon. This is when it got bad. I was doing my class work and I just started getting this headache, so I was like I only have and hour and a half left you will make it, and I did. So now I got home, and now I have a stomach ache so it was a long day.  Oh, and I did good with my diet yesterday by the way. I will let you guys know next Wednesday how much I lost.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hey, so everyone I am going to do this weight loss thing. The thing is, I am always wanting to, but never find the  time to exercise or just to lazy to do it. So, I'm going to do this, and I will update you guys every so often to tell you guys what's going on.

There are two reasons why I want to. One is the fact that my sister is going to get married this summer, and I would like to lose weight for that. Also another reason is, because I have always want to get into shape, but every time I try I fail. So this time I am going to lose this weight, and going to keep it off.

So, this time I am going to do this thing. I'm not going to stay like this. I just want to get down to a health weight. I don't want to be super skinny. I just want to get down to a healthy weight is all.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Hum, the things I wonder sometimes. I wonder why the heck people have to hurt others. Really does it make someone really feel better when they hurt someone. Especially when they never done anything to you. I hate being hurt by others for no reason. I don't like this fact, but its true, but another thing also, I know for a fact is that there is always someone thats worse off then I am.

Anyway, I do have a reason why I'm doing this is because I was hurt by someone I thought I trusted. I am not going to get into that though because he doesn't deserve to be talk about. Anyway, like I said, there is really no reason for anyone to hurt anyone else. I also don't believe to hurt the people that hurt me. I believe to just move on and let go, especially when they hurt me badly to where I cant forgive them. If someone is sorry they will have to prove to me that they are. 

Anyway, that is what I think about people hurting others. There is no reason to hurt other's. If they do and they say they wont hurt you again make them prove it to you, and if they cant then they don't deserve being your friend. I would just push them away from my life.

My first blog

OK well everyone this is my first time blogging. I'm 18 right now and currently a Senior in High School. Its been close to one of the best years of my life.

It's been a bad few days, so I figured I would start a blog. Why now, because I just figured it would be fun to maybe starting a blog.

Anyway you may be wondering why I use seester93. Well the seester part of it is because me and my sister always call each other seester. With the 93 part of it is because I was born in 1993. So thats why that is.

Anyway this may be a bad blog, but I just would like to inform people a little bit about myself with this blog.