Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Art/ghost experiences

OK here is one of my artworks I have recently  done. This is of a friend that passed away a while back. I did this so I have something to remind me of him. No I don't need this picture for me to remember the good times of him and I, but it is nice to have it around though. This is also the friend I told you guys about. The one where I saw his picture on my computer and I started thinking of him and I felt him touch my back and I heard him say Abby I am hear, I will always be here. I have lost a lot of people my mom my grandma a guy that was like my grandpa. and the only thing that happened that made me think is when I had a dream of my mom after she passed away and I woke up I saw her head flouting and the end of my bed for like 2 or 3 seconds long enough for me to realize it was her and then she was gone. So there is the reason why I did this picture and a couple experiences I had when it comes to spirits and ghost. I don't know if this is the right word but I call both experiences as personal experiences.

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