Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So I posted a video about from youtube a while back about bulling and the reason why is because I am big on trying to prevent bulling. I don't think I would be so big on preventing bulling if I wasn't bullied growing up. I wasn't ever afraid to be myself so people hated me for that. Some people would be like oh well get over it, but you know in Junior High and the first semester of my freshman year I went to a K-12 school, I would go home crying almost every night because of it. That was when it was really bad, but the second semester of my Freshman year I moved about 20 miles away to live with my dad because my mom passed away the bugging of my Freshman Year, I felt more accepted there then I did at my old school. OK I will admit my Freshman year wasn't as bad but I was still hated on and on top of my mom passing away and everything I went threw when she died I was not emotionally stable. I was one of those people that bottle things up and then when I finally had it I would go into my room and cry so no one would see me, but now I been getting help and I can cry, I understand that crying isn't a sign of weakness its a sign of being strong long enough. So anyone who reads this if you been bullied your not alone and if you need someone to talk let me know leave a comment or something and I will try helping the best I can. 

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