Friday, May 25, 2012

seester93: Death Friend

seester93: Death Friend: This guy is one of my friends. I talked about him in a couple blogs one of them of an art projects. The reason why I am doing another abou...

Death Friend

This guy is one of my friends. I talked about him in a couple blogs one of them of an art projects. The reason why I am doing another about him is that he died a year and half ago and finally after this long I finally get to visit his Grave.I went to his funeral but I never went to his grave when he was buried. I think now I can finally see his grave an know he's gone. At the time he died we where going to two different schools about 20 minutes away for personal reasons.I remember it like yesterday it was a Monday night I already had a long day. I came home and I got on Facebook. At this time I didn't know, everyone was like  oh Chase I am going to miss you so much so on and so forth. Then I messaged one of my friends that went to school with him and ask what was going on with Chase and she was like Abby you didn't hear. I was like hear what. She's like he's gone Abby he's died. I was like no no no. he is not gone he is not died, I was in such denial. He was exactly 3 years younger then me we both have the same birthday. You all may wonder how did he die well he was driving to school and around where I live you can have a school permit when your 14 and he was driving to school and back home. This was in November he didn't have a seatbelt on he rolled his truck three times. Well the night I found out I had a hard time sleeping but when I finally fell asleep I had a dream about him he came to me and told me Abby if you ever get the chance tell my parents I love them and I am sorry then he was gone and I woke up sorry for what though. Then I went to school the next day and was just in one of those tired and sad moods and everyone knew I knew him, and one of my best guy friends gave me a hug and that made me a little happier. Everyone else didn't really bring it up. I never got to tell his family that he was sorry. Then that Friday it was the Friday after Thanksgiving was his funeral. I went to the service and it was in the gym of the school he went to and that gym still haunts me. I saw the principle and the councilor at the time and the councilor gave me a hug and was like thank you Abby for coming. I was like of course I would be here. The principle just kinda smiled at me. I went in and right when you walked in there was his body in his casket and it was not easy  to see him laying in there. I stopped dead in my tracks and  kinda walk over to his casket and he had the same shirt on as he had on in the picture and his favorite sunglasses on the top of his head. I just remember crying when I saw his body and I whispered why did you have to leave so early. Then I just walked away and found a seat and I just sat there holding my stomach because I was hurting so much.I don't mean to make this blog to make anyone to feel sorry for me or whatever I just want to share this so you all know a little bit of the hurt I been threw in my lifetime and trust me I been threw a lot other hurt then this.

seester93: Excitement

seester93: Excitement: For the last few days I have been so happy, because a my brother told me he was coming home. My friend but he is my brother so if I ever say...

Thursday, May 24, 2012


For the last few days I have been so happy, because a my brother told me he was coming home. My friend but he is my brother so if I ever say my brother I will probably be talking about that one but if I am talking about my real brother I will let you guys know, but he is going to be home August 15 and I am going to give him a big hug. I actually think I talk about him in another blog before but I don't remember for sure I mean the one before yesterday.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why I was depressed.

So the last few days I was depressed and really upset, I was upset because I felt like I was losing the one friend that has been there for me, and I didn't know why. Part of it is because I only talk to him on Facebook and the Phone because he lives an hour and a half away and its hard to see him all the time, but I got it sorted out and he assured me that no matter what happens that he will be there for me, and he is coming home in August. I am just happy we worked everything out and I get to see him. He is not just my best friend he is my brother.

seester93: Why I was depressed.

seester93: Why I was depressed.: So the last few days I was depressed and really upset, I was upset because I felt like I was losing the one friend that has been there for m...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Second Dad

OK so there is this guy in my life he is one of the most amazing guys you will ever meet. He is one of those guys you can talk hours with. I love my real dad I do trust me I do. It's just its hard to talk to my real dad about stuff that I need a guy there to answer.

So this second dad comes in my life late in my teen years I was 17 so two years ago and I can talk to him about anything, and he is like my dad in a way because if a guy ever hurt me physically he will be one of the first people to beat his ass. My real dad I don't cry in front of because I am not comfortable crying in front of him. My second dad I can if I really need to because I am comfortable because he knows the pain I been threw in my life.

I guess the big reason I am blogging about this is because I wish there where more guys out there like him, and not a bunch of assholes. I know the day I have to say goodbye to my second dad it will be as hard saying goodbye to him as my real dad if not worse.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So I haven't posted anything in a couple weeks. Well I am done with High School. I am happy, and sad, but I know that no matter what is going on I can count on my class to be there if I need them.

They are my best friends, they are my family. They will always be family, some of them may be annoying sometimes and I want to murder them, but no family is complete without some of those people that you want to murder sometimes. So pretty much that is all as of right not so talk to Yawl later.