Saturday, July 28, 2012

seester93: few days.

seester93: few days.: Its been a few days since I posted anything but nothing has really changed still going out with Jeremy. Well thursday night friday morning I...

few days.

Its been a few days since I posted anything but nothing has really changed still going out with Jeremy. Well thursday night friday morning I was up tell 4 am and had to get up at 8:45 so I was tired. Oh well and last night I was up tell 3:30 am and then just slept tell about 11. That's about all that I have for this blog.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

seester93: swimming/in love/bored

seester93: swimming/in love/bored: Had another amazing yet short conversation last night with Jeremy. I don't know if I am rushing into anything or not but I do know I am in l...

Monday, July 23, 2012

seester93: swimming/in love/bored

seester93: swimming/in love/bored: Had another amazing yet short conversation last night with Jeremy. I don't know if I am rushing into anything or not but I do know I am in l...

swimming/in love/bored

Had another amazing yet short conversation last night with Jeremy. I don't know if I am rushing into anything or not but I do know I am in love.

Also I just got back from going to the pool with my nephew sister and brother in law. It was fun haven't done that for a while though Oh well. 

Well this is just another random blog. I was bored with nothing else to do so I figured I would tell everyone what's up.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

seester93: Winnie the Pooh Quote

seester93: Winnie the Pooh Quote: OK so I saw this quote on pinterest when I was going threw some pins that my friends have posted. I was like this is so true for me anywa...

Winnie the Pooh Quote

OK so I saw this quote on pinterest when I was going threw some pins that my friends have posted. I was like this is so true for me anyway.

Its so true for me because in my life I have a special someone named Jeremy, he lives so far away so whenever I have to say goodbye its just so hard because I love him so much. Far as in like 4 hours but its still hard to say goodbye. 

We haven't been dating long or known each other long either but it seems like I've known him for a lifetime, but this quote reminded me of Jeremy and also my childhood because I will admit I did like Winnie the Pooh Growing up. So thats it for now. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

seester93: Jay/Rockies

seester93: Jay/Rockies: So I am wanting to say congrats to Jay from Rascal Flatts on his new addition to his family baby boy Dylan. I did do a post of the link of w...


So I am wanting to say congrats to Jay from Rascal Flatts on his new addition to his family baby boy Dylan. I did do a post of the link of where I read about it earlier today.

I also posted a link to the Padres defeating the Rockies 9-5 kinda sad about that because I was hoping for the Rockies to win oh well.

Well that is it for this blog

seester93: Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

seester93: Padres power past Rockies 9-5  | Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

seester93: Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Countr...

seester93: Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Countr...: Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Country Weekly

Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

Padres power past Rockies 9-5  |

Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Country Weekly

Jay and Allison DeMarcus Welcome Baby Boy - Country Weekly

seester93: Pissed off

seester93: Pissed off: OK I seriously am pissed because this guy online I met was like OH there where 40 something people that died everyday in 2005 so 12 people t...

Pissed off

OK I seriously am pissed because this guy online I met was like OH there where 40 something people that died everyday in 2005 so 12 people that died and however many injured isn't that big of deal so everyone get over it. I was like hello yes it is a big deal you know it could have happened anywhere it could have been in a theater in your hometown or the one you always went to and a bunch of your friends and family could have been injured or died. When its something like that it is a big freaking deal. Sorry everyone I was just really upset about what he said and I really needed to vent. Some people piss me of to no end.

seester93: My day/Colorado Shouting/

seester93: My day/Colorado Shouting/: OK well today I got up to go do some running around with my aunt and I called to let her know about what time I will be ready and she told m...

Friday, July 20, 2012

My day/Colorado Shouting/

OK well today I got up to go do some running around with my aunt and I called to let her know about what time I will be ready and she told me about the Shooting in Colorado last night. So I got ready and stuff and my Aunt came and got me. Well we went to Wal-mart first and there where people talking about the shooting. 

So when I got home I did my workout and stuff. Then I got online and my bf was on so I stated talking to him and I brought up the whole Colorado thing and how my uncle lives there and I was going to go visit and stuff. I was saying how I'm happy I didn't this weekend because we where going to go to the midnight showing of Batman. He was like Ya good thing we wouldn't want you to get any blood in your hair I was like really that would have be the last of my worries, UGH I sometimes wonder. OH well I just figured I would do a blog over the whole thing. 

But I am sorry for those who was involved in the shooting and I pray for them and there family. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

seester93: Tough Day

seester93: Tough Day: Well I don't know where to start I guess. Well some guy started disrespecting the Army and stuff so I got pissed because no one disrespects ...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tough Day

Well I don't know where to start I guess. Well some guy started disrespecting the Army and stuff so I got pissed because no one disrespects the Army especially when I am around. Second one of my friends is going threw a lot and I don't know what to do about it. Another one is in the hospital. IDK there other things but to tired to think right now.

seester93: Bulling

seester93: Bulling: So I posted a video about from youtube a while back about bulling and the reason why is because I am big on trying to prevent bulling. I don...


So I posted a video about from youtube a while back about bulling and the reason why is because I am big on trying to prevent bulling. I don't think I would be so big on preventing bulling if I wasn't bullied growing up. I wasn't ever afraid to be myself so people hated me for that. Some people would be like oh well get over it, but you know in Junior High and the first semester of my freshman year I went to a K-12 school, I would go home crying almost every night because of it. That was when it was really bad, but the second semester of my Freshman year I moved about 20 miles away to live with my dad because my mom passed away the bugging of my Freshman Year, I felt more accepted there then I did at my old school. OK I will admit my Freshman year wasn't as bad but I was still hated on and on top of my mom passing away and everything I went threw when she died I was not emotionally stable. I was one of those people that bottle things up and then when I finally had it I would go into my room and cry so no one would see me, but now I been getting help and I can cry, I understand that crying isn't a sign of weakness its a sign of being strong long enough. So anyone who reads this if you been bullied your not alone and if you need someone to talk let me know leave a comment or something and I will try helping the best I can.