Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Art/ghost experiences

OK here is one of my artworks I have recently  done. This is of a friend that passed away a while back. I did this so I have something to remind me of him. No I don't need this picture for me to remember the good times of him and I, but it is nice to have it around though. This is also the friend I told you guys about. The one where I saw his picture on my computer and I started thinking of him and I felt him touch my back and I heard him say Abby I am hear, I will always be here. I have lost a lot of people my mom my grandma a guy that was like my grandpa. and the only thing that happened that made me think is when I had a dream of my mom after she passed away and I woke up I saw her head flouting and the end of my bed for like 2 or 3 seconds long enough for me to realize it was her and then she was gone. So there is the reason why I did this picture and a couple experiences I had when it comes to spirits and ghost. I don't know if this is the right word but I call both experiences as personal experiences.

Monday, February 27, 2012


So another long weekend. Friday I didn't do a whole lot, but on Saturday I went to hang out with my second family for an hour and then went and at lunch with my sister brother and nephew. After that I went prom dress shopping the two places we actually went only had three dresses my size, but I found one I like though. I just wish there where more cloths that I actually like that where my size, but I am just happy I found one I like. Then Yesterday I went to Irish Feast to help with one of the games. So it was a long and eventful weekend but I had fun though. So there was my weekend.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


OK those of you that don't know me I am not the smallest people in the world I will admit that, but stores like at the mall and stuff could at least carry stuff that is my size. I hate not being able to get stuff I like because they don't have my size. I don't know I may just be a little bit more freaked out then I should be but it just makes me feel bad because of my size and shape. I am just sick and tired of it. Well thats all I am just really upset about it is all.

Friday, February 24, 2012

long time

I know its been a long time since my last blog. Nothing has happened really. Tomorrow I get to go Prom dress shopping,  ya me. I am just not a big shopper. I picked out music to sing for competition here in like three weeks, Sixteen going on Seventeen is the song I am doing. Also I just got my sports physical done today so I can do Track. I don't know what to talk about I am just rambling on right now. Oh guess what I am going to see Toby Keith this summer I am so excited.

Monday, February 13, 2012

My weekend.

I had emotional weekend. First I had to get up at 6 o'clock on Saturday for a speech meet. That didn't go so good.

Then, I know this for a week, but it didn't really hit me tell this weekend that my friend was in Rehab. I knew he was I just didn't worry about it. This has been the second time he's been in rehab, and a few other things that I am not going to speak of. Then I talk to him this weekend a little bit on Saturday, and a little bit last night. Yesterday I was like I want you to be completely honest with me, and he was like OK what's going on. I was like what is your plans after Rehab. He was like I am not going to drink or anything I am going to be getting my life back on track. It was good, because I dont need to lose someone else I care about to die because of drugs/alcohol. He knew what I meant, and he was like Abby don't worry you wont lose me for that reason. I was like OK.

The only thing is that I am wanting to trust him but I don't know if I can. I promised myself that no matter what else happens I will do everything I can do possible to help him, but I can only do so much. Then he has to do it all on his own.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Waffles and Spaghetti

OK so the last month we been talking about dating and marriage in religion. For those of you that don't know I do go to a private school. We where talking today about how guys have waffles  brains and girls have spaghetti. Guys having waffles because they can only concentrate on one thing at a time and for girls have spaghetti because we can do more then one thing at once.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So I was going to do a blog about what I thought about the Super Bowl game on Sunday but forgot so I will do it now. To start out I was going for the Patriots. I am happy of how hard they played even though they didn't win. I think my favorite part of the game was when my boy Danny Woodhead made that TD right before Half. I was so happy, Danny is one of my favorite Patriots players. One he shows that no matter what your size you can do anything if you put your mind to it. The second reason is because he is from my hometown.

Monday, February 6, 2012


I really don't know what to talk about other then it snowed Friday which sucks because I hate snow. I had today off from school. Talking about school my sister is doing my graduation invitation so she is getting one of them done to show me and see if I like how she did it hopefully it will be good.