Monday, April 30, 2012

Track ending = crying

So today I thought I had a week left of track, but guess what it's done for me anyway. I went to Track practice like normal and we had a girls track meeting and the head girls couch was like its just Varsity from now on and no Junior Varsity and I am Junior Varsity. I just started crying and I stood up and turned away so no one would see me crying and one of the Assistant couches was like Abby sit and she was like what's wrong I was like I don't want to be done and the Assistant couch was like thats a good thing that means we did something right.

Then the Head Couch was like Abby do you want to stay and help with the throwers and I shock my head yes because at this point I could barley talk. She was like you can stay then if you want. I thought to myself thank God.

Then a little later after warm ups and stuff the Shotput throwing couch finally showed up, because he was running late. the Disc's couch went up to him and told him that JV was done because I don't think any of the Assistant couches knew that it was just Varsity for the rest of the season. He looked at me and I just got done crying so anything could make me start crying and I did start crying again and the Disc's couch told the Shotput couch that I could stay and Mike the Shot put couch was trying to make me laugh so I would stop crying and I laughed a little bit then gave him a hug until I finally stopped crying.

The reason why I cried because this is my last year for Track and I never felt this way about any other sport I tried. I loved Track.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

close senior class

So I am going to miss my class after Graduation. Some of you that has 50 or more kids in your class or did may not be as close but when you only have 23 kids in your class you guys are close. I am close to everyone in my class. I know if I ever needed anything or needed someone to talk to my class will be there for me. My class and I have gotten threw our share of Drama, but like I said we go threw it as a class, just like we will get threw graduation as a class. I am kinda rambling on, but its true we are very close more close the a lot of classes at bigger schools. Anyway this is just kinda to tell Yawl how I feel about my class.

Friday, April 27, 2012


3 school day's 5 more days in all if you include the weekend. then seniors are done with high school I am officially done I am to exhausted to do anything I need to finish a couple things for government which wont take me very long and then my portfolio for Speech and a couple test. Then I am done. Monday will be the cleaning out everything I don't need out of my locker day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bad girl

OK I been really bad at this blogging thing. I will try to do more. I just been busy the last week but for now I am going to bed so goodnight.